An Inside Look at How Art Business Academy Will Help You Achieve Success In the Art Business
From Jason Horejs, Owner of Xanadu Gallery and Founder of the Art Business Academy:
In 2015, we launched the Art Business Academy as a resource for artists ready to take the next step in ramping up sales and finding good gallery representation. Creating the Art Business Academy has been an exciting undertaking. In 2009, when I wrote my book, “Starving” to Successful, the Fine Artist’s Guide to Getting into Galleries and Selling More Art, I had no idea how much demand there would be for the information. Artists were hungry to understand how the gallery business worked and wanted to know how they could prepare themselves to find gallery representation, approach galleries, and build successful, long-term relationships with galleries. I was asked to give workshops to artists, and I also received many requests from artists for personal coaching to give step-by-step guidance through the process. I did as much as I could, but with my busy schedule running Xanadu Gallery, I couldn’t offer personal guidance to nearly as many artists as I would have liked.
In 2015, I developed the idea that we could build a structured course that would allow me to share my knowledge about the art market at a very deep and detailed level, and that would give me a mechanism that would allow me to interact with artists and provide personalized feedback and direction. This idea was the genesis Xanadu Gallery’s Art Business Academy.
A tremendous amount of work has gone into making this idea a reality, but I’m very proud of the results. We launched the Academy to a small, select group of artists in early April, 2015, and the Academy has proved an even more exciting and dynamic platform than I could have imagined. Feedback from the participating artists has been overwhelmingly positive.
I invite you to explore how the Academy works below to get a sense of the process for participating in the course. Watch the sample videos to get a sense of the course content. If you are ready to take a serious next step toward a more successful art career and if you are ready to secure gallery representation, I invite you to register today. Registration is limited, so if the registration page shows the course full, please sign up for our waiting list, and I will let you know when the next opening is available.

J. Jason Horejs
Owner| Xanadu Gallery
Founder | Art Business Academy
Video Lesson Presentation
After you register for the Academy, you will instantly receive access to the first lesson. Every two weeks thereafter you will receive access to a new lesson. Each Academy lesson consists of a 20-50 minute video presentation on the lesson subject matter. The video will give you insights and show examples of the principles being presented.
(this is a photo of a lesson video and won’t play)
After watching the lesson video, you will complete an assignment that give you the opportunity to submit an assignment the will allow you to interact with Jason. In assignments you will submit images of your work, your portfolio, biography, along with questions you have about a particular subject as it relates to your work.
Sample Assignment

Sample Assignment – For Illustration Only
Sample Response from Jason to a Submitted Assignment
Jason will review your responses and submissions and respond to each assignment
Weekly Q&A Sessions
In addition to the lessons, you will be invited to participate in weekly, live Q&A session where you can receive additional feedback about your art, and answers to your questions about the art business.
Sample Q&A Session
In the Academy, You Will Learn
- How to create a consistent body of gallery-ready work
- What you should do to present your work in a manner that will appeal to galleries
- How to price your work
- How to organize your work and track your inventory
- How to best allocate your marketing efforts and dollars with an eye toward getting into galleries
- How to build your resume
- How to pick the best markets for your work and how to find the galleries in those markets that would best suit your work
- How to confidently approach galleries and what to say when you meet the director or owner
and much more . . .
See the full lesson syllabus here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will the Academy course cost?
Lifetime membership to all of the lessons, feedback on your art and assignments, and access to weekly Q&A sessions is $1499. We also have an easy payment option to spread your registration over four payments of $399. Finally, if you would like a slower pace, you can register for our $99 per month option, which allows you access to a new lesson every two weeks.