I’ve spent way too much money on courses that didn’t give me the breadth and depth that Jason provides in the Art Business Academy. Forget the Facebook courses. Forget the “My Secret To a Successful Art Business” courses. ABA lays it all out. It covers all the areas you need to grow your business with great examples for you to follow. All you have to do is do what Jason tells you to do. I did and it got me into two shows and now as I write I’m getting twelve paintings ready to deliver to a gallery that wants my work. I can’t recommend Art Business Academy too highly. It was the best investment I’ve made.
Robert Sankner
Painter, Ohio

The Art Business Academy with Jason Horejs is a step by step guide to every aspect of taking your art business vision and making it reality. If you are looking for an art mentorship, this is it.
I started with the Art Business Academy in January, with no gallery representation. Now in April, I am currently making final arrangements for representation in my second gallery. How did I get here? I did exactly what the lessons told me to do. I was given guidance and feedback on my portfolio, my CV, my pricing, my biography and more. I was given specific steps to take for approaching galleries. I am continuing to learn, as there are over 30 lessons in the program.
Jason is an experienced gallery owner with a way of breaking monumental tasks into doable steps. He is exceptionally generous with his time and expertise. He is very candid with his feedback but always diplomatic. He takes genuine interest in the progress of his students.
I am grateful to have found the Art Business Academy. I have gained knowledge, skills and perspective that will always influence my art business decisions. I am confident that you will advance your art business like I have.
Laurie Waalkes
Artist, Colorado

About 10 months ago, an artist friend of mine recommended Red Dot Blog to me. She claimed the articles and topics would be of immense interest to me as I strived to build my art practice. She in fact was to sign up for the Academy(!?) At the time I did not know what that was.
Needless to say, I found out. I can now wholeheartedly say that this is something I was looking for. I would recommend Red Dot Blog and the Art Business Academy to any artist looking to improve their professional approach to the art business. It is well worth the time, effort and cost to do so.
When I started my journey with Jason, I initially signed up for the Starving to Successful crash course. This got my feet wet, so to speak. I signed up for the Art Business Academy. Initially, it looked expensive and would be a year and a half commitment, but I would now say to anyone, that it is well worth it! I now have updated documents and portfolios that serve well in presenting me as a well-established, knowledgeable artist, capable of attracting the attention of art galleries.
In fact, I began almost one year ago with presence in two smaller local galleries. I had some sales, but was looking to expand my reach and gain more representation.
Today, I am represented in 6 galleries! My sales doubled last year and now I am looking at doubling that again. I have just shipped two paintings to San Antonio, TX.
So I thank my artist friend for her recommendation and thank Jason Horejs for developing the Art Business Academy. He is generous with his time, his advice, and his sincere desire to see more artists succeed.
Maurice Dionne
Artist, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Since signing up with the Art Business Academy, I have grown tremendously as an aspiring artist into an emerging artist. Jason’s guidance has been instrumental in helping me target galleries across the North East and Mid-West, resulting in multiple exciting opportunities. I’m currently participating in an e-sale with a gallery in Connecticut and have been approached to possibly exhibit after some sales. I’ve also been approached by a gallery in Massachusetts, and we are finalizing a consignment agreement pending the launch of my book, The Art of T.S. Eaton. In addition, I was juried into an outdoor art festival in Greenwich, CT, and I just signed a consignment agreement with a gallery in Maine. I can’t fully express how priceless Jason’s insight and advice have been in helping me develop my art career. I will continue to follow his teachings as I build professional relationships and grow my practice.
Tim Eaton
Painter, Connecticut

I’d shown my artworks in a variety of non-gallery venues with some success. But these venues lasted just a few days or weeks, and I knew that if I wanted to grow my sales, I needed the help of professional galleries. Thankfully I heard about Jason’s Art Business Academy!
As a successful gallery owner for over 20 years, Jason gave me the inside scoop on how to approach galleries and I have secured gallery representation in two galleries….so far! Jason generously shared his insights and guidance on what gallery owners want and need to help collectors secure the artworks that enrich their lives. It’s a win, win, win for all and I’m thrilled to be a part of that wonderful world! All my thanks to Jason!
Joni Emily
Painter, Colorado

The Art Business Academy was crucial to my success as an artist. The insights and strategies I gained helped me secure numerous solo gallery shows in Los Angeles, exhibit in several museums, and now, I’m preparing for my first solo exhibition at the Hilbert Museum of California Narrative Art, where my work is part of their permanent collection. A fine art book is also in the works. Jason’s guidance and encouragement gave me the confidence and tools to build a thriving art career.
John Kosta
Painter, California

My paintings were recently accepted by a second gallery and I owe much of that success to working with Jason and Art Business Academy. Before ABA I simply had no idea how to go about approaching galleries and I lacked confidence in doing so. Through the videos and assignments and Jason’s ever helpful feedback, I learned to establish goals, how to create a consistent portfolio of my work, a bio that appealed to gallerists, and an effective artist statement and art statements. In the course we learned to organize our art business, how to keep records, establish contracts with galleries, etc. Perhaps most importantly, I learned to overcome my hesitance about approaching galleries and how to persist when I didn’t receive answers from them first or second time around. Before ABA, if I didn’t receive a response I took it as a “No” rather than more likely that the gallery owner hadn’t even seen my email. I was encouraged to shake off a bad experience with one gallery and was delighted to discover that the next gallery owner I met with was positive and appreciative. I have found the lessons invaluable and the weekly Q & A zoom sessions with Jason and other members of ABA supportive and informative. When the group shared artwork on zoom, I was impressed with the great variety and high quality of the participants’ art. This is a serious program for serious artists but all are welcome and welcomed. At the heart of this program is Jason himself, a highly experienced and indefatigable gallery owner and teacher who examines and responds to each assignment and to any question we might have, no matter how particular or odd – for example, when I didn’t know how to convert photos of my paintings from 72 dpi to 300 dpi, Jason provided a link to an app that made the chore simple. Jason makes us feel that each one of us can succeed with enough work and persistence, and he shows us the way. This course is a gem.

The Art Business Academy provides a clear, step-by-step guide to navigating the often confusing world of art and galleries. As an emerging artist, the ABA lessons, paired with Jason’s mentorship and expertise, were invaluable. Not only were the lessons straightforward and easy to follow, but I also had full access to Jason for questions, feedback, and insights. Thanks to this support, I was able to navigate this complex world in just a few months instead of spending years figuring it out through trial and error. The combination of a clear process and knowledgeable mentorship is absolutely worth the investment!
Mónica Filotas
Textile Artist, North Carolina

If you are an artist who is serious about selling your artwork, I wholeheartedly recommend you sign up and attend the Art Business Academy.
I had followed Jason’s Red Dot Blog for several months, and found it provided extremely valuable content for me as an artist. One day, I received an email about a one-day online seminar, and immediately signed up. To say it was an eye-opener is an understatement. In just a few hours, I gained valuable insight and knowledge into some of the things I needed to do to be more successful in selling my paintings.
So I signed up for the Art Business Academy. I took Jason’s advice and worked through the first several lessons before approaching any galleries, and am so glad I did. The hands-on experience and one-on-one communication he provides are second to none.
Once he and I determined I was ready, I approached 11 local galleries. I was apprehensive, to say the least, but the lessons I learned in the Academy helped me overcome my trepidation. So far, I’ve received responses from four; I have met with two of them to discuss representation; one has shown my work to their clients, and another has sold some of my work during a “trial” representation and now wants to represent me. Just this past week, I received a call from a third that is interested in representing me, as well. It’s quite possible I may be in the position of having a choice of local representation among three very prestigious galleries.
I haven’t even started approaching out-of-town galleries yet, but I now have the confidence that I will be successful in finding other representation, as well.
None of this would have been possible without the incredible help of Jason and the Art Business Academy. I simply did not have the knowledge of what was needed to successfully seek gallery representation. Now, not only am I going to have that representation, but I also have a well-organized business with an inventory control system (ArtSala, developed by Xanadu Gallery), up-to-date marketing materials, and a professional-looking website. I can confidently approach any gallery now, and immediately have everything they may want at my fingertips.
The Art Business Academy is the best investment I’ve ever made in my art career, and the results speak for themselves. Thank, you Jason!
Postscript: My meeting with the third gallery was in a word, incredible. The gallery owner and I just sort of clicked right off the bat. Her gallery is beautiful, and it really reflects her energy and personality, with bright colors, an array of paintings, sculptures, and artisan-crafted jewelry. She offered me representation on the spot. A one-year exclusive in the area, a private show in September, a feature on my work in a local magazine. I signed that day and she wanted me to leave all 10 pieces with her.
You’re going to love this next part. She asked if I could write a little description of each piece. I took out my ipad and emailed her an artwork statement for each that I had done as a direct result of the ABA. We talked about pricing, and I showed her my spreadsheet of “comps” and my pricing matrix, all supported by actual data. She asked about my inventory. I showed her my inventory tracking on ArtSala. She told me that in all her years, she’s never worked with an artist who had the business end so well organized. How do I ever thank you enough for that? And I’ve only progressed through Lesson 12 so far!

The Art Business Academy helped me learn everything about the business side of being an artist. From pricing to portfolio, Jason showed me step by step, how to pull together what is needed for a very professional application for gallery representation. I’m thrilled to say, that I am now represented by three different galleries, in three states! I’m extremely grateful that I participated in the Art Business Academy!
Carol Iglesias
Artist, Virginia

“I had read Jason’s excellent book ‘From Starving to Successful’ several times. I had done all the exercises and liked the idea of doing it again with accessibility to Jason for feedback on my personal work. I also learn a lot from other artists, and I liked the idea of the on-line ‘go at your own pace’ guidelines.
Even though I have a BFA in painting and have been in several galleries over the years, there has not been one lesson where I did not learn something new. It has pushed me to answer questions about my art, and to formulate answers that have made me a better artist at telling my story and at marketing.
When I wrote my biography and artist’s statement I went through some older printed pieces, things I had written and things written about me. I interviewed collectors and friends and asked them, ‘Why are you attracted to my work?’ ‘How does it make you feel?’ Which were questions guided by Jason’s superb on-line webinars. The process of formulating words to describe myself and my work brought out another layer in my work, I feel more connected to it, and I get feedback from collectors and friends that my work continues to improve.
Approaching galleries has always been the Achilles heal in my professional career. I really had a hard time and so far during the course I have been accepted in two very nice galleries, one in Santa Fe, NM and one in Richmond, VA.
Rewriting my Biography, Artist Statement and Resume was an excellent experience for me too. I got a lot from Jason’s feedback, and the end result is something I’m proud to share with collectors and galleries. I have gotten terrific feedback about it too.
Learning how to work with galleries, once you are in them, has been fascinating and helpful. I have shared some ideas with one of the gallery owners and she has benefited too!
I have always been an organized and committed person, but the course improved my skills in both those areas too.
I have tremendously valued Jason’s personal input. I had a problematic situation with a new gallery and I emailed Jason, and he replied right away with an excellent solution. I followed through with his advice and it was exactly the right thing to do and the relationship was salvaged.
I have recommended the Art Business Academy to several people. I also recommend his book, ‘From Starving to Successful’ as a good intro. The class is so much more than the book, reading the book does not replace taking the course, but it is an excellent preview of his expertise and what is to come.
I have learned so many great tips in addition to the big ticket items, Jason recommended time management apps, organizational ideas and so many little things that have made my art career more professional. Best of all I feel so much more confident in my approach to everything about my art career.”
Cathy Carey
Artist, California

Ever since I made the leap from retired architect to full time artist I began a search for a “mentor” or an art marketing guru who could provide me with the magic formula for success. There were literally hundreds of programs and art marketing coaches out there and I tried several, all were legitimate with good intentions. However, they all seemed to give similar advice and just touched on the various aspects for selling your art without giving really specific steps and lessons.
Then I found Jason and the Art Business Academy and through his blog posts and various seminars realized that I needed to step back and build a strong foundation. I joined the Art Business Academy and have never looked back and my career and confidence have sky-rocketed.
Let me “fast-forward” to the results for the moment – After compiling my list of 100+ galleries, I decided to send my portfolio out to just a handful in the Austin/Houston market. These went out in the early evening and the next morning I received a call from a gallery owner in Houston who reviewed my portfolio and website and was very excited to see my work. He asked me if I could bring in 10 pieces and he would choose which ones he would be interested in showing. I ended up bringing in 16 paintings of which he accepted all and then we reviewed my entire portfolio and he chose an additional 15 he wanted me to bring in. We are now planning a single artist show and opening for June or July.
I was also pleased that many of the other galleries that were included in that batch, while not accepting my work, did reply with positive comments and a few gave me suggestions on other galleries they thought might be interested in representing me.
I would have to say that the most valuable take-away from the Academy is instilling confidence. I have received two mural commissions (one 10’ X 20’ interior and one 9’ X 38’ exterior) all because I had the confidence to either approach someone or enter an open call for proposals.
I would highly recommend Jason’s Art Business Academy to any artist whether they are looking for gallery representation or just want to position themselves for success.
Frank Trocino
Artist, Texas

I was lucky. I came across the RedDot Blog and soon followed up on some of its wise advice. First I ordered Jason’s book about thriving as an artist. I then began to think more seriously about joining the Art Business Academy when I read the testimonials. I made the big leap and joined. It has been one of the most significant decisions of my art life.
I was trained as an academic. Art, artist’s statements, aesthetic attitudes were geared towards crashing through to stardom, like a Damien Hirst or Jeff Koons. Honestly, although I intellectually have understood what museums were doing in their contemporary choices of buying and showing new art, I did not want to–nor was I driven to–make art out of a messianic need to wake the public up to social injustices, shame, and despair. I truly believe the news does that job very well. I loved beauty. In the Art Business Academy, I finally found a community that loved and valued beauty as a main focus for creating art .
The art lessons are a commitment of time and income, but is time and money well spent. After about a year of participating in the Art Business Academy lessons, I now have my work in two galleries in different states, and two other galleries still in correspondence. It’s an on-going commitment, never stopping to say “whew” now it’s the gallery’s job. That’s not true, as you’ll find out. It’s a relationship and like all relationships, it takes effort on both sides. I have learned so much and become more confident. I have gained valuable information from attending our online sessions and from listening to other artists. Jason Horejs is unflaggingly generous in his time, his advice, and his sincere desire to see more artists succeed, just like his Dad has.
Thank you so much , Jason!
Caroline Garrett Hardy
Artist, Virginia

The gallery world is a difficult place to navigate. If you’re serious about acquiring representation, Jason Horejs’ “Art Business Academy” can get you there. Each two-week lesson provides valuable information to prepare you for approaching galleries. After each lesson, you’ll do the work and email to Jason. He responds to each lesson with honest advice. The course will help you set goals and a productivity schedule. Research will be done for pricing. You’ll write a compelling bio and artist statement. The digital portfolio lesson will help you present your work in the way a gallery prefers to see it. After my 10th Portfolio Lesson, I attended a gallery opening and spoke with the director, she asked me to email my info. I emailed her all the presentation materials created in the Art Business Academy…Bio, Artist Statement, Artwork Statement, Resume, and my two digital portfolios. I immediately received a response requesting to see my work. I took her seven paintings. During the discussion, she said my presentation was beyond professional. She accepted all seven pieces on the spot. Jason’s weekly “Ask Me Anything” zoom meetings answers questions directly from artists. It’s a great community of like-minded artists trying to figure out the mystery of the gallery world. This is the best class by far. I’ve completed two other courses for artists, but there’s no comparison. I’m really looking forward to finishing the course and learning all the jewels Jason has to offer. It’s truly invaluable. I’m so thankful for Jason creating this class for us.
Melanie Brannan
Artist, Dallas, TX

As a coach, consultant, and marketer myself, I’m picky about who I work with. There’s a lot of fluff out there, and I’m a fan of practical application that actually works. I found this with Jason’s Art Business Academy. There’s a lot of meat on the bones in this program.
Even though I owned a marketing firm with offices in three states for over 25 years, have coached and consulted with a multitude of business owners, both small and large, and really know my way around sales and marketing, there’s a mysterious fog that comes over me when it comes to marketing something as personal as my own art. Another coach once described it this way (and you can steal this Jason): “Even the sharpest knife can’t carve its own handle.” I love that because it lets me off the hook — I can still be sharp and help others, but it’s difficult, if not impossible, to work on yourself. Probably because we all judge ourselves so harshly, and can’t really “see” inside our own businesses. It takes an outsider with the knowledge, experience, and perspective — as well as an understanding of how to communicate to artists — to guide us through this art market maze. At least that’s how I see it. And that’s how I see the Art Business Academy.
So many of the lessons in the Art Business Academy give me deja vu moments, where I want to slap my forehead and say, “Marcia, you know this, why aren’t you applying it?” This only serves to increase my confidence in Jason’s teaching — he knows tried and true, time-tested and reliable sales and marketing methods, and how they apply to the art market. It’s that last part that I was missing — “how they apply to the art market.” He is also the antithesis of an art snob, thank goodness, delivering his guidance without pretense or holding anything back. It’s like talking to your neighbor over the back fence — you get the straight scoop.
I was pretty psyched to get through all of the preparatory lessons discussed in other testimonials — the portfolio, bio, resume, all very necessary and helpful — so I could get to pitching galleries. As luck would have it, my timing could not have been worse, as I did my first round of proposals at the start of March of 2020, right when the entire world shut down with Covid19. Jason recommended to hold off for a bit, and I did, and then resumed my pitches — email only — in May. Even though this could still be the worst possible time ever to be approaching galleries (many have closed their doors entirely, or have stopped looking at new work), three months later, I have managed to secure one solid gallery (and they have already made a sale for me!) and have had promising discussions with several others. I felt very prepared for these conversations as I knew what to say! I know for sure this would not have happened without my involvement with the Art Business Academy. I will soldier on and feel confident in securing more galleries as I move forward — amazing how this program grows your confidence!
I like the pace of the individual lessons. I like the Friday Zoom calls, and the fact that I can watch recordings if I can’t make them live. The participation of the other artists is invaluable. I like being able to email Jason with questions. The entire process is inspiring and motivating. And, it’s just plain fun. If marketing your own work, or making sense of your own business seems difficult to you, it just may be that you’re a sharp knife who can’t carve your own handle. In that case I recommend you stop struggling and join us!
Marcia Hoeck
Artist, San Diego, CA

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to be represented by an established gallery, but never really understood how to even attempt it. The Art Business Academy cleared the mist. Through a step-by-step process, I began to understand what it takes to put together a professional portfolio that galleries would take seriously. As a busy mother of two young children, ABA helped me organize my time so I could build a consistent body of work that was worthy of gallery representation. Completing the gallery research assignment in Lesson #12, opened my eyes to what galleries are interested in and which galleries would be a good fit for me.
Jason taught me how to do, the intimidating, in-person “cold call”. I recently used it on the first gallery on my list and amazingly, I have secured representation! At first, I felt like this was all too good to be true, but after reflecting on all of the time and focus I put into the course and my portfolio, I believe that all I’ve learned and all of the tools ABA gave me, brought me to this moment.
Thank you, Jason! I know I wouldn’t be in this position today if it hadn’t been for The Art Business Academy. I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement, generosity, knowledge, and years of experience.
Michelle Schleider
Artist, New York

The Art Business Academy has taught me all the things I need to know and the documents and organization I need to have to work with art galleries. After doing my gallery research and creating my list of galleries to approach; I followed the advice in the lessons and started contacting galleries. Today I met with the owners of one gallery. Via email, they had asked if I could bring in some pieces so they could see my work in person. I took six pieces with me; they wanted all six and wished I had brought more. I am so excited! This is the first gallery that I contacted from the list, and I now have gallery representation!
I took consignment sheets for each piece from ArtSala. The gallery owners commented on how professional the sheets were and that the sheets had all the necessary information on them, including a thumbnail of the artwork.
I can’t wait to continue the lessons and contact more galleries.
Thank you so much for the Art Business Academy and your guidance. The lessons have given me the knowledge and the confidence to follow my dream.
Marcia J Popp
Artist, Arizona

Hi Jason, just had to drop you a line. I started sending out emails to galleries this week, and sent 3 on Tuesday night and 2 last night. It’s 4 pm here in Illinois and was knocking off work for the week when my cell phone rang. It was a gallery in Milwaukee I sent an email to last night! He likes my work, and wants me to visit with several paintings for an upcoming show he’s putting together for late October.
While we were talking, the things he mentioned he liked about my portfolio, consistency, a cohesive body of work, a unique style, and my palette. All things we’ve discussed in your sessions. Another thing he said is he gets a lot of emails and he can tell pretty quickly if somebody is serious or not, and he could tell I had my act together. I attribute that 100% to Art Business Academy! THANK YOU!
Eric Larson
Artist, Illinois

I’ve read several art blogs over the years, but Jason Horejs’s RedDotBlog always stood out to me. It was the blog I most looked forward to reading each week. I always felt as though Jason genuinely wants to help artists succeed. His love of art really shines through. This led me to Jason’s Art Business Academy. I am so thankful that I decided to sign up.
The online course guides you step-by-step to help you work through your fine art career and gain gallery representation. His course is comprehensive. Over 30 in-depth lessons complete with assignments and feedback from Jason! Even though I enjoy the business side of art and I came in with years of experience in illustration, retail, wholesale, and licensing, I quickly realized that there is still so much to learn.
Jason’s courses helped me know when I was on the right track and where I needed to make improvements to create an even stronger foundation. Jason is such a positive and encouraging mentor. He reassured me that, yes, it is time, you are ready, send out that portfolio to a gallery! I trust his judgement and opinion. I am confident he would not steer me in the wrong direction, that he would be honest with me if he felt there was something else I needed to work on before submitting my portfolio.
I am so glad I took Jason’s Art Business Academy course and strongly recommend it! Not long after submitting my art to some of the galleries on my list, I was thrilled to receive gallery representation. It is an amazing feeling. I even sold a piece right after the gallery received my art. Success!
Melinda Fabian
Paper Sculpture Illustrator, Pennsylvania

I joined the Art Business Academy after following Red Dot Blog for a year. It seemed the topics being discussed in the blog were the very questions I was asking, and I knew I had a lot to learn about the business side of being an artist. The Academy helped me organize my time, my records, and learn how to present my work in a professional way. It also helped me clarify for myself what I do and why I do it in a way that I could then confidently speak about my work to other people. I really liked the “go at your own pace” structure because I was also working a job. The feedback from Jason after each lesson was invaluable and I was able to get any question answered specifically to my own situation! Six months after completing the academy I found representation with a terrific gallery! It’s been four months and I’m working to build my body of work further in order to seek a second gallery. Jason Is still making himself available by offering to answer any questions that come up when pursuing another gallery. I highly recommend the Art Business Academy for any artist who wishes to take their art to the next level.
Laurie Barmore
Artist, California

I’ve taken three “how to sell your art” courses. I wouldn’t recommend all of them, but this is the one course I definitely WOULD recommend!
There was a lot of one-on-one personal mentoring with an experienced and successful gallery owner who gives great insight on what galleries look for in an artist and how galleries are run. For me, this personal mentoring extended to encouragement and advice when I came to a point when I was very discouraged and didn’t know which way to turn. I got back on track and focused on what I could do rather than what was going wrong.
I love that the lessons are organized in a logical brick-by-brick way that you build the skills to form a solid foundation and build the knowledge to confidently approach galleries. You also learn how to run your own art business. The lesson on how to approach pricing was a Godsend.
I learned to be what I refer to as a “very polite bulldozer” in approaching galleries whose owners are constantly flooded with artists asking to show in their gallery. You need to get in the door and make a great impression. I am also learning how to build a good long-term relationship with those galleries.
I am now represented by two galleries and keeping busy trying to keep up with the demand. I give the Art Business Academy credit in giving me a leg-up to get in those galleries, and the confidence to look for more gallery representation in the future.
Michael Frank Peterson
Artist, Texas

I have been passionate about my art for as long as I could remember. Getting advice from artist mentors and professional friends was very helpful over the years in working on my style and body of work, but the Art Business Academy is advice and so much more from a successful gallery owner, which is a very different side of the art world. Jason personally goes through your art business step by step with you. Thorough lessons on everything from consistency and quality of work, pricing, inventory tracking, and gallery contacting and much much more. I thought I was ready before this course, but now with the personal help from Jason I AM ready. I used to get short, dismissive rejections, or no response at all. With Jason’s help, even my rejections are more professional- I think that is because my communications and materials are polished and professional. Also, it’s not all rejection any more, I am getting more yesses and have gotten into my first gallery. This course has helped me understand the gallery process better, and that rejections are part of it. I have the confidence in my work in my materials now to not let that stop me. Thanks to this course, I am having my most successful year yet, even during a global pandemic. Thanks Jason for taking me from dreaming about being a professional artist, to giving me actionable steps to take towards my goal, which is now closer than ever.

I have been a professional artist based in Jackson, Wyoming for 43 years. And I have found the profession of art difficult. In the past year, after listening to several of Jason Horejs’ Reddot blogs and taking one of his webinars, I decided to enroll in his Art Business Academy. In every one of the course lessons, I have found re-affirmation for much of what my experience has taught me. Having said that, I must admit that I have also learned something new from every lesson. I have updated my website, portfolio, bio and resume. I have also learned the most professional way to approach a gallery (from a gallery owner). His Artsala app was also a great benefit for organizing my inventory and sales. I definitely recommend this course to anyone seeking to sell more art and especially to those emerging artists looking to find gallery representation. Thanks Jason!

I learned so much taking Jason’s course. My materials are now very high quality and present a professional image when I’ve approached galleries. Thanks to this I am now in a gallery in La Jolla and a gallery in Santa Fe has contacted me about possibly representing me. Even more than the information I gained from this course, having contact with Jason himself has been worth every penny I paid for this course and more. He is supportive, wise, and helpful. I feel that he really cares that I succeed with my art, and his advice has been excellent.
Joie McClements
Artist, California

I never stopped making art during my 30 years teaching college level art courses. I felt lucky helping others find their creative spark and learn the skills of drawing and painting and tune into the magic of how the elements of composition can be manipulated to glue a picture together, blow it apart, or anything else in between.
Besides teaching and making my own art, I was exhibiting nation-wide in non-profit venues, such as small regional art museums, art centers and university galleries. Still, I wanted to be a full-time commercially successful artist.
There are quite a few sensitive, honest, caring, good intentioned, art educated and art-world knowledgeable consultants available to any artist searching the Internet. I know because I tried more of them than I like to admit. And, in fairness, I learned something from each one I worked with, but more commercial sales eluded me.
One of the first ways that Jason impressed me was his interest in art history and in particular Abstract Expressionism. He reads and recommends books that I’ve either already read or I put immediately on my reading list. I also read his memoir about his extraordinary upbringing in a family of 9 children raised by a father who was a full time working artist. Growing up watching, and as a young man helping, his father make a living by selling his paintings, gave me the confidence that Jason’s program would be focused on exactly what I wanted.
Jason has a common sense, step-by-step, approach to preparing an artist to reach out to galleries for representation. The nation-wide research he asks of us to determine if our prices are compatible with comparable art was hugely useful and assuring. All next steps are just as valuable. He makes himself available and explains how every lesson adds to the whole of his educating an artist to become a commercially successful artist.
Recently an experienced and popular gallery in another state, in an entirely new market, accepted me. I’m thrilled. Thank you, Jason. I’m happy to talk further about Jason’s program to anyone who would like to contact me: www.kimthoman.com/contact
Kim Thoman
Artist, California

When the pandemic forced us all to isolate during the last two years, many people made life changing decisions. Mine was to go from being my own curator, art agent, manager and salesperson to finding gallery representation and sharing that work with a private dealer. I found out soon enough that finding representation is not an easy task. While looking for information online, I discovered an Art Summit that offered artists expertise and motivation on various art subjects. One of the excellent presenters was Jason Horejs, art gallery owner whose father is an artist. I was immediately impressed with his knowledge and generosity. I followed Jason’s Red Dot Blog, read his book Starving to Successful than joined the Art Business Academy. With only a few months into the course, I am now represented by three art galleries in Canada. I am learning a lot about the artist/dealer relationship, and having Jason as a mentor I can reach out to makes all the difference to me. Meanwhile, I am improving my art practice by learning about productivity, keeping inventory and so much more. Thank you Jason !
Karole Marois
Artist, Ontario

I enrolled in the Art Business Academy in May 2016, with a sincere commitment to revive my flagging art career. Less than a year later, I was half-way through the assignments, and had partnered with a half dozen galleries across Ontario, where my realistic style and subject matter (landscapes and close-ups of nature) were a perfect fit. I graduated from ABA in January 2018 and my art business success resulting from this outstanding course continues to exceed my expectations.
After about a year of working with my new galleries, getting to know each other, trying various subjects in different locations, and seeing what was striking a chord with collectors, I started seeing an increase in sales. The galleries provided excellent feedback, and it became evident that my wilderness landscapes of northern Canada were catching the attention of collectors. This realization coincided with my vacation trips north of Lake Superior and I started painting more northern lake scenery, inspired by this beautiful wild region full of rocks, pine trees, and water, reminiscent of the land of my childhood.
By this time, I had completed the ABA course and was continuing to build a following with my own daily marketing posts on Facebook and through my bi-weekly studio newsletters and my web site. I was producing more artwork, improving through constant practice, and galleries were starting to sell my work regularly. I finally felt like I was making art that mattered, that celebrated something worthy, and that people cared about. My annual sales of originals were triple what they had been before the ABA course, coming equally from 3 major channels: galleries, Facebook, and my newsletters.
Another couple of busy years passed and COVID-19 disrupted the whole world in early 2020. Galleries were closed for several months and I expected a long-lasting depression in art sales due to the pandemic, but I was wrong. My gallery partners beefed up their e-commerce web sites and social media promotions, and I continued my marketing efforts. Incredibly, sales of my paintings have increased during the pandemic. Perhaps my artwork provides an antidote to the isolation we are experiencing, and helps people reconnect with Nature. My fall 2020 painting workshops were cancelled so I made use of the extra painting time in my studio. I started a new series on northern skies (twilight, starlight, moonlight, and northern lights), which are being snapped up by my collectors. I can barely paint fast enough to keep up with demand and I had to increase my prices 3 times last year.
I know much of my current success is the result of my hard work, dedication, and persistence, but I must thank Jason for helping me find my professional focus and giving me the tools and encouragement to make my artistic dreams come true. I highly recommend the Art Business Academy, if you are serious about finding your true artistic voice and getting your artwork into the hands of people who love it.
Karen Richardson
Artist, Ontario

Prior to taking the Art Business Academy courses, I experienced some good successes as an artist. But my overall approach to the art business was pretty much “seat of the pants”. ABA lessons helped me become better organized. Among the points of emphasis in the lessons that benefitted me most was keeping a regular painting schedule that places creating first. The habit of getting into the studio first thing in the morning has made me a better and more productive painter. I also benefitted from the Academy’s lessons on building professional-looking biographies and portfolios. These lessons alone were worth the price of admission. These tools will help any artist put their best foot forward with confidence. Last, but not least, the systematic approach to galleries is excellent. I followed the plan and in just, a very short period was invited to show my work in an established gallery. All things considered, I highly recommend the course to everyone, especially those suffering from fits and starts in the business side of their art. You won’t regret it.
Robert J. Simone
Artist, Florida

The Art Business Academy course for artists has been very beneficial for me and my art business. The videos accompanying each lesson are well tailored to each subject covered, and go into considerable depth. Although I had enrolled in a similar in-person course in the past presented by Artist Trust, I found the Art Business Academy course to be far more useful, up-to-date and that each lesson had very practical application in my own sculpture business.
The course provided me with the incentive to update my Artist Statement, Bio and Resume in a way that makes each more engaging for the reader. I am pleased to be coming away from the course with some very valuable marketing tools, which include my sculpture Portfolio on my iPad, a 64 page Art Book highlighting my most recent sculptures and a promotional video that I created and edited myself!
Jason’s advice about approaching galleries for representation was invaluable. Although I was already represented by a local gallery before signing up for the Art Business Academy course, his input and video gave me the confidence to approach galleries in Santa Fe, a much larger art market. The result was that I had two galleries say that they wanted to represent me. Later, even a third one called me and offered to represent me as well. So, in the end, I had three galleries offering to represent me in Santa Fe! I had been trying to broaden my gallery representation for nearly 5 years without success prior to that. In addition, I was able to gain representation shortly after that in another gallery in a resort art town in Washington State as well.
David Varnau
Sculptor, Washington

I have always had a desire to be an artist, but life circumstances always stood in the way. From educational missteps to personal challenges to life choices along the way, being an artist seemed a vague possibility that was always on a back burner. I had gone so far as to start a notecard business many years ago that never really produced an income, but it was satisfying creatively so I stuck with it. Though I dreamed of being a “real” artist, I never really felt that I was one.
I think Life sometimes has a way of steering us at just the right time toward something that is exactly what is needed and that is the way I feel about the Art Business Academy (ABA). One thing that drew me toward the ABA classes was that actual concrete advice was given within the advertisements that gave more than just a hint at the practical nature of the instruction.
For me, life as an artist has seemed a bit of an enigma. I could “imagine” how the art business worked, but I couldn’t really wrap my head around how to go about it. It felt a bit like a maze in my mind. I think Jason Horejs is a pretty amazing instructor. I think that he understands the artist’s psyche (perhaps due to his growing up in an artist’s home). I think that he understands what obstacles tend to present themselves to artists and how to overcome them. His step-by-step plan establishes a sense of order that overrides the chaos that the artist’s life seems to feel like at times.
I feel that the entire course is valuable, but I’d like to highlight the aspects that were most significant to me. First of all, the order of Jason’s lessons are very well thought out, although that isn’t to say that you can’t skip around within them. By isolating each task (like determining your own personal goals, writing artist statements, or researching galleries) it breaks it into bite sizes that feel doable…that take away the feeling of being overwhelmed by all that is ahead. And it allows you to go back and rethink how you’re approaching it if you feel the need.
Secondly, I really appreciate the weekly zoom meetings. When I’m feeling overwhelmed by life, or by not knowing what I should do next, it really helps to just sit and listen to the business side of art. Whether or not I participate personally, it has been a help to remind me that there is order within the chaos…that there are bite-sized pieces that I can mull over and act on. It has helped more than I can say.
Probably most importantly, Jason has a way of making one feel as if they are the focus of his attention. He looks at each individual’s art and assesses where they are, what is working (in terms of quality, consistency, pricing, etc) and what might need some attention. And, through his classes, Jason addresses these one on one with the artist. I think it’s also important to note that Jason is giving the Gallery perspective, rather than the perspective of another artist who has found their particular niche and found success (which might be quite different from my own). He has years of experience dealing with many diverse artists. He is an art lover and has an open mind to a wide array of artwork.
I have not yet completed every ABA assignment, but I have felt that I have already gotten more than my money’s worth in value. In fact, in the past six months, I have sold three paintings that have more than paid for the class. I don’t believe that I would have even painted these particular paintings had I not taken the class, because I gained such confidence in my own work and in my own vision with Jason’s help. I also wouldn’t have had the confidence to approach galleries with these pieces without the groundwork laid out by Jason’s instruction.
Honestly, I could go on and on because joining the ABA was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself and I’m so grateful for its ongoing blessings. Thank you, Jason, for all that you do for so many artists!

Last September during the height of Covid, I decided it was a good time to improve my marketing skills. I had studied painting with an individual artist, never receiving any business education. After reading Jason’s Red Dot Blogs that were insightful and knowledgeable, I checked out the Art Business Academy. The first aspect that I loved was during the initial lessons Jason assessed whether your work was gallery ready, scoring you on consistency and presentation. I didn’t want to waste money on business skills if my work wasn’t sellable. My score was high so I continued with the program.
Each bi-weekly lesson came with an assignment to create marketing materials like a biography, artist’s statement, art portfolio etc. Additionally there were research assignments to assess galleries appropriate for my work. With many assignments, Jason provides files you can download that I could adapt to my needs. There is time you must invest to work through Jason’s program and it is all well spent. His encouragement along the way is invaluable!
In my case, after a month of submissions to galleries, I have one that wants to do a show next year and another that is an online gallery that wants to include my work. I’m still working on my goal of full time representation.
I am so pleased with the efficiency, affordability, and organization of Jason’s program. If you feel you don’t know where to start to market your work, I highly recommend you look into Jason’s Art Business Academy.

In 2019, at the age of 69, after a career as a marketing consultant and professor at Carnegie Mellon, I decided start a new career as a sculptor. Although I’d made a few sculptures in my basement over the years, I’d never sold anything nor had an exhibition so began to explore ways that I might learn about being a professional artist. After much searching, I joined the Art Business Academy, which has proved to be one of my most valuable resources for understanding the full range of issues that artists face, from websites, PR, gallery relationships, pricing, and even publishing a book. There are also opportunities for critical review, sharing work with other artists and opportunities to ‘ask any question,” all of which contribute to both a broad and focused understanding of issues.
As a gallery owner, Jason has a firsthand understanding of how galleries work, what sells and how to relate to collectors and is generous with sharing his experience. The bi monthly assignments at times are challenging, but that’s what it takes to get to the next rung of the ladder to a successful career. Apart from Jason’s exercises and programming, there’s also the relationships that can develop within the group. I’ve developed contacts with artists from across the world, as you really get to know each other through the discussions and critiques.
All told, the Art Business Academy is a great program for whatever level, medium or level of experience you find yourself. Best of luck with your career!

The Art Business Academy led me gently and logically from the basics of improving my art’s consistency and quality all the way to successfully and confidently approaching galleries and obtaining representation. Jason’s practical approach and the support of other artists on their journey was invaluable as I went from budding to professional artist.
I would recommend the Art Business Academy to any artist who feels ready to promote their own artwork and approach galleries. The course is wide-ranging, starting with the basics of time management, building a consistent body of work and pricing your work confidently. It then covers writing your artist statement, a biography and résumé, so that you feel well prepared to present your work to customers and galleries. The artwork statements in particular have really helped me to chat about the stories behind my paintings, and many customers have shown an increased interest because of this.
Students are encouraged to do very thorough research into galleries and I have been amazed by just how many galleries there are in Belgium, where I live. Jason teaches a method of systematically approaching galleries with a portfolio that looks professional and consistent. The method takes much of the fear out of submitting to galleries and is effective. I am delighted to have found a gallery that wants to work with me.
I have gained enormously from the lessons on selling artwork and am much more confident with clients because I understand the value of my own work. I have now started blogging and a couple of months’ ago I launched a newsletter.
Jason is always positive and encouraging and I have enjoyed getting to know the other artists in the academy during the weekly Zoom meetings. You gain so much from listening to the discussion around other artists’ questions as well as your own, and you grow in confidence as you join in with the conversations.
All in all, I have found the course interesting and engaging and I am very pleased to have followed it.
Beverley Johnson
Artist, Belgium

I started taking the Art Business Academy online classes in 2020 during the great Covid lock down. I knew I wanted to grow my art business and one of the ways is to get my art into galleries. I am not a painter, but rather a mosaic glass artist and was a bit hesitant at first but quickly saw that the modules apply to any art form. The first section of modules are incredibly important and helpful in getting organized. It can be overwhelming on where or how to start organizing yourself as a business and a brand, and I found these modules surprisingly helpful very quickly. For example, I apply to juried art festivals and gallery competitions and being able to reference my assignments helped make the application process quick and easy. It is really amazing how often you need to use an artist bio or statement!
The later modules were extremely helpful to me, particularly those on learning how to talk about my art, how to engage with potential clients, and how to pursue a sale. I have always been rather terrified of talking to strangers about my art but Jason’s class provides wording and ideas to help make those conversations not only happen easily, but be successful. I recently sold two of my more expensive pieces and heard Jason in my head; “say congratulations first not “thank you” when you make a sale.” It was fun to say congratulations right away to the two new clients and Jason was correct, they were equally excited and happy that they were buying a piece. Jason takes the mystery out of the sales process and has actually made it pleasurable (well, almost!)
This course has built my confidence and since I started this class I have landed 2 solo shows, and am finalizing the details for a third, which will be a massive boost to my art as it will be in a prestigious location that is very well attended. I have entered the juried art festival circuit, have had art accepted into competitions, and have increased sales. My confidence is also very high with pricing my work where I actually pay myself for the work and am comfortable with inventory sitting a bit. I don’t need to lower my prices just for a sale as I know the right person will come along. I am on target to actually break even, perhaps even have a profit, this year and this is huge! Mosaics is a very expensive art form and I have many expenses and through Jason’s guidance, I have been able to secure sales. I have increased my sales by $10,000 year over year since putting into practice Jason’s teachings.
I cannot recommend investing in this academy and in yourself. Your confidence in how you present yourself, your salesmanship, and your sales will thank you.
Shelley Beaumont
Artist, Minnesota

Like a number of the artists in this testimonial piece, I was first introduced to Jason and the Xanadu Gallery by way of his Red Dot Blog. I always found these blogs informative and relevant to my career as an artist. My next step was to do the “Starving to Successful” exercises, and then to the step by step lessons in the Art Business Academy. Going at my own pace was valuable, as when I began doing the lessons I was still working full time for a company. I winced at first regarding the cost, but I am a firm believer in the idea that the best investments you can make are in yourself, and improving your skills. I also waited to approach galleries for representation until Jason said my preparation work was solid. One of the more valuable things I got out of this was to develop an inventory file, which I created in Excel, a program I was already facile with. It has turned out to be a more critical tool for me than I would have expected, as I have artwork now in my home studio, a sales booth space in a gallery nearby, a new gallery that just took 8 paintings in OR, and currently 2 group shows in a gallery in San Francisco and Petaluma. The digital portfolio, artist biography, and artist statement go into every email I send out requesting representation, and I am convinced that they make a positive impression with the galleries I approach even when the response may be a ‘thanks but we’re full’, or not exactly what they would want. Probably the one thing I have been most impressed by is that even after I completed the course and I have had specific questions, Jason has always responded with thoughtful, positive and professional replies. I highly recommend Jason’s Art Business Academy for any artists looking to take their art career to the next level.
Robert Benson
Artist, California

For decades, I had struggled to market my paintings. It was lonely, burdensome, and time-consuming, and successes were rare. The struggle drained my energy and my self-confidence, leaving me dispirited. I had put my art on hold as my husband and I began the transition to retirement. I love painting but when I thought about re-starting my marketing, again, I feared that, at my age, it was simply too late to achieve success as a professional artist.
I had limited knowledge of the art world as seen from the viewpoint of collectors and galleries. I had no knowledge of art as a business, for them or for myself. I didn’t even realize that such knowledge existed.
One day, I stumbled across a blogpost by a man named Jason Horejs. What struck me overall was the combination of sanity, realism, practicality and confidence about a topic – marketing art – that had remained a mystery to me. Until now.
As I researched Jason’s blog and the website for Art Business Academy, I realized some of what I had been missing: insight into art as a business; practical principles that I could apply to marketing my work; a structure for doing the work of being a business owner myself (“Gay Cox Artist, Inc.!”); and a community of other artists, many my own age, facing the same challenges.
I registered for the Art Business Academy course. The sessions are very well organized, each one building on the lessons and principles learned in the earlier sessions. Jason is unfailingly encouraging, realistic and practical, in the pre-recorded lessons, the weekly live online events and in responding to email questions.
The exercises and evaluations which are part of each session have been, and continue to be, vital in organizing and developing my business as an artist. The weekly live online events, which Jason hosts, continue to expand and extend my practical understanding of the art business. And they create the opportunity to participate in a vibrant and supportive group of artists. Jason remains diligent in responding to my questions even after I completed the course
Following through on each session’s lessons and Jason’s suggestions, I redesigned my portfolio, resume, biography. I re-organized my website and created a professional Facebook page. These in turn have been the basis for building and capitalizing on a mailing list of followers and clients and for launching a consistent digital advertising effort (still a work in progress). Several gallery owners have, without any prompting, complimented me on the professional quality of my portfolio, website, and presentation.
I reached out to over 200 galleries. Though a majority simply declined to accept my work, I discovered that a significant number qualified their response, saying in effect, “not at the present time.” In keeping with Jason’s principles, I have followed up with these galleries on a regular basis and continue to look for new galleries that are a potential fit for my work.
Currently, a major Philadelphia gallery is evaluating my work for its existing clients as it contemplates some new directions. And a well-regarded local gallery has accepted my work where I will participate in a group show followed by a solo show. In both cases, the lessons and mindset I learned from Art Business Academy were key to making and developing these two gallery connections. In both cases, Jason responded to my questions with specific suggestions and recommendations.
For the first time in many years I am experiencing hope for my future as a professional artist. That hope has been founded and nourished through the lessons and practices of Jason’s Art Business Academy.
Gay Cox
Artist, Pennsylvania

The Art Business Academy was the most complete and instructional training I have ever received on the business of being an artist. It balanced out the creative aspects of my education with practical knowledge. It’s the training I never received in Art College. I fully acknowledge that what I learned contributes every day to my art career.
Jason’s easy style of teaching peppered with humor and anecdotes made the sessions enjoyable. However, the meat of the training was in following through on the lessons and getting personal input from Jason as a gallerist. His insight was invaluable.
Phyllis Mantik deQuevedo
Artist, Oklahoma

I’m a fine art photographer and I just got into my first gallery due to Jason and the Art Business Academy! His stepwise approach, encouragement, and insight guided me through the process of creating a portfolio and all the additional documents needed to represent my imagery in the best light (pun intended :). Per his recommendation, I’m still working through my list of galleries and I’m optimistic that, with time, I’ll see some interest from a few more galleries. My investment in the Art Business Academy has certainly paid off! Thanks Jason.
Jeff Green
Fine Art Photographer, New York

The Art Business Academy effectively prepared me to enter the art business and marketing environment through education, guided preparation, suggestions, individual feedback, and guidance, all delivered in an encouraging helpful manner. I now regard joining the course as an essential part of my professional development as an artist and recommend it without reservation.
I reentered the art world full time following a 30-year absence. My evaluation was that the business environment was subsequently changed, and I was starting from scratch in that regard. Jason’s lessons and projects led me through marketing exercises that allowed me to realistically evaluate marketability, develop marketing materials i.e. portfolio presentation, biography, website, etc. followed by fundamental art-specific gallery/business insights, and gallery customer relationship guidance. The training has facilitated my confidence to approach any gallery, show, contest, or magazine with the conviction that my marketing/presentation materials and communications are of a professional level. Now if they like my actual work – that’s another issue.
Christopher Forrest
Artist, NJ

I am thankful for signing up for the Art Business Academy. Each of the lessons and Jason’s continued support, including the online live sessions, has helped me fine tune many areas of my art business and obtain new gallery representation. The bi-weekly assignments are attainable and build on each other to have all things in place for dealing with clients and approaching galleries. Although I was successful selling my art before taking the course, it was time for me to expand into new venues and have all things in place which Jason helped me do, including updating my website and professional portfolio. It was great to have Jason to be accountable to as he is knowledgeable in the business while being encouraging and available for specific questions. He truly cares about helping artists progress in their careers. I recommend Jason’s ABA course.
Jane Appleby
Artist, Canada

I highly recommend ABA! I found that the lessons have helped me not only to get organized and to approach galleries, but also in how I define my goals and approach my work. I think it has made a big difference in my business practices, but even more so in my art.
I really appreciated not having to fork out the entire cost upfront, with the monthly payment system. Being able to work at my own pace and to take a break when I needed made it possible for me to commit to the course. There are definitely lessons that I’ve deferred acting on, but it is good to know that I can go back to review the material whenever I need to and that Jason will be there to answer my questions. I’m also very appreciative of the supportive community of artists that I’ve met through ABA.
It’s a lot of effort to approach galleries, and for me, especially difficult to do in person. However I’ve found that the techniques, scripts, and insights that Jason has given me have made it possible to enjoy the process that used to frighten me so much. I’ve been complimented by gallerists on the professionalism of my presentation materials, and even by other artists on my “bravery.” Now that I’ve had some success in obtaining gallery representation, I’m drawing on the lessons about building a strong gallery relationship.
Taking this course has definitely been worthwhile. Thanks, Jason!
Becca Lemon
Clay sculptor, Oregon

What does an aspiring artist seek the most in today’s confusing and competitive art market? For me this was real, up-to-date, how to, information that I could apply to my craft immediately with the goal of gaining gallery representation. In today’s world there is a lot of information available but it falls dramatically short of giving useful, no fluff information.
The Art Business Academy provided me with every piece of information that I needed in order to represent myself as a professional artist. The business of creating art and the art market has expectations that an artist needs to meet in order to be considered as a viable candidate for art galleries. Information such as the quality and consistency of the art from a gallery owner’s viewpoint, work ethics, pricing, the necessary written materials that accompany professional artists, websites, shipping, communication skills, and “how do I do this” type of questions are all answered in the ABA lessons, Zoom sessions, and available videos. The course is self-paced so no need to worry if you require more time to complete the lessons.
Jason teaches and guides you with a positive attitude, clear directions, and attainable goals. He amazingly shares all of his knowledge of the art business in a way that can only be taught by someone with years of real experience and current experience in the art market. This to me was very important. Jason knows of all the challenges and pitfalls artists and gallery owners encounter. He grew up with a father who is a professional artist and he has been a successful gallery owner of Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale since 2009.
I am applying the information I am learning from the ABA and am carefully working through the lessons. I am pleased to say that I have professional gallery representation and the necessary knowledge and materials to continue to build my profession as an artist. I highly recommend these classes if you are serious about wanting to be a professional artist and wanting to be “seen” as a professional artist by galleries and those in the art market.
Karen Barton
Artist, Washington

I have to say that it was initially daunting to me, after several years away, to start over in my professional art career. I had moved from the Midwest where I had a moderately successful art career to the Park City, Utah area. Then my husband needed help with his business. Through it all though I painted and listened to many of Jason’s blog posts and mentorship programs.
At the beginning of this year I made the decision to re-invest myself back into my art and push through some old fears and boundaries. I believed Jason could help. So I signed up for the Art Business Academy and right away I felt I was on the right track.
Jason made me answer questions about myself, my art and my art career that cemented my decision to move ahead. With the bi-monthly lessons that helped and prodded me along and Jason’s one-on-one help, I was able to develop a more professional business approach to my work.
“I’m an artist! I don’t need to be organized, consistent and accountable – that’s part of being an artist!” was what I used to think. But when I realized that it was holding me back, I pushed through those old mind sets and set myself to work. That helped me to feel much more confident about my work and about approaching galleries.
Recently I sent over 70 emails to galleries and so far 4 have picked up my work, 2 more are considering adding me to their gallery roster. I have one in Park City, which was a goal I had when I moved here 3 years ago! I have to give all the credit to Jason and to the Art Business Academy in leading me through (and holding my hand at times), giving my work a professional business base from which to spring. Now I can’t wait to see where the future of my work will lead!
Karen Kurka Jensen
Artist, Utah
If you are an artist and somehow feel lost or stuck because you lack information on how to move forward with your art, then this course is for you. Artists can take a lot of classes and read a lot of books, but can somehow still feel stuck on how to move forward. This course, no matter what direction you are interested in going, will definitely help you to move forward with confidence.
Erica Moen

I found the Art Business Academy in the nick of time. I had been painting for 17 years and since the recession, my sales had decreased significantly and I was thinking of quitting art. An artist friend had mentioned ABA earlier but I wasn’t ready to start at that time. Plus, I had tried other programs/books etc for artists but didn’t find them that useful. Luckily for me, I found Jason and the ABA, again, just when I needed them!
I am a prolific painter but what good is that if the paintings hang in your studio?! Jason helped me get organized, develop a plan of action, create a cohesive body of work and gain confidence. He answered my questions in detail and provided templates and other written materials for the all important Artist’s Statement and Bio….I had struggled with these in the past. Also, he gave me thorough information and explanations regarding the art business and working with galleries. He has a unique insight into the art business; his father is a professional painter and Jason and his wife have owned a lovely, successful gallery for years. He sees all sides of the business and has done much research on selling techniques and marketing. I never ceased to be amazed by the depth of his knowledge and opinions derived from years in the business. There was never a lesson where I didn’t learn something.
Not only is Jason an expert in his field, but he is very generous with his time and knowledge. He always answered my extra emails and was available every Friday for a live art business session with artists. His answers were though full and complete, plus, he gave great advice and tips to improve my art work.
Because he loves the art business, he also has a mentor ship program for artists. This is where he chooses an artist from the many applicants to mentor. He hangs their work in his gallery, gives them an opportunity to give a public talk about their art and guide them through the process of marketing their work. I have applied for this twice and would love to get accepted because I know how valuable it would be.
In summary, during the course, I fell back in love with painting and color and am still going strong. I have had many good experiences selling my work since starting this program and will continue to follow his advice.
Molly Hargarten
Artist, Colorado

Hearing about the Art Business Academy a year ago, I was intrigued but thought I wasn’t ready. Jason gently persuaded me to go ahead earlier in my art career rather than later — and that was great advice.
Because of the coursework, and Jason’s personal attention and feedback, I was able to clarify my goals, define a theme, and pull together a consistent, professional portfolio. I learned skills and found resources to get organized and become more productive. Most important, I was able to find galleries that would be interested in my work, and approach them with poise and confidence. My artwork is finding a body of collectors, I’m represented now by two galleries, and I am enjoying my life as an artist more than ever before.
It’s true the Art Business Academy is a significant commitment of time and effort. But every minute invested was worthwhile. Without it, I would have wasted years without finding my stride. The opportunity to learn from Jason has been invaluable.
Helen Rietz
Artist, Montana

I am pleased to offer a wholehearted recommendation of Xanadu Gallery’s Art Business Academy.
In the past, finding gallery representation seemed a daunting task. Then I found Xanadu’s free videos and RedDotBlog, devoured it all, and began applying what I was learning to my art business. These were so helpful that I started clicking around Xanadu’s site, looking for other helpful advice.
Luckily, I then found and joined the Art Business Academy. As I progressed through the lessons and had super helpful feedback from Jason, I began to see what the Academy is doing for me and my fellow classmates. This course is giving us a roadmap to follow, with clear instructions. It helps us make sense of the detours and wrong turns we’ve taken in the past, and gives us a compass to help avoid them in the future.
For me, the benefits have already been huge. The lessons and online sessions taught me how to be a professional in so many ways – how to price my work, present it, determine what is a consistent body of work, and what galleries are looking for. It demystified galleries. It helped me create not only a strong portfolio and collateral materials for presenting to gallery owners, but also helped me become more confident. He’s thought it all through.
As I’m writing this, I’m just about to start my physical approach to galleries. Yes, it’s still scary, but it’s no longer a daunting task. I’m ready, and I know what to do (and what not to do, equally important in gallery hunting!).
I am so thankful to Jason for putting his back into helping artists, for recognizing a need and then really delivering. I have no idea how he finds the time to respond to all of our questions and give us such honest and spot-on feedback, but I’m so glad he does. It’s made all the difference.
Good luck on your art journey. May you find your roadmap and may your compass be true.
Linda Ryan
Artist, California
p.s. – I hope to see you in the online sessions!

The lessons in the Art Business Academy completely rewired my thinking about how to work towards achieving representation in a gallery, how to be a more focused and consistent painter, and how to better understand the art business from a sales perspective.
Looking back, it’s not an easy course. Your thinking will be challenged. Much of the coursework will become things that you’ll continue building on and refining for the rest of your art career.
The Art Business Academy is a road map for artists. I couldn’t have gotten where I am today without it.
Mark Rushton
Artist, Missouri

The Art Business Academy, created by Jason Horejs, is an amazing resource. I have been painting for many years now but never really worked at marketing my work. I would sell two to five paintings a year with an occasional large corporate sale and a few collectors who would buy two to five paintings at a time.
Then I had two major one person exhibitions return to my studio the same week. All of a sudden my studio was packed with paintings leaving a shortage of work space. I was following Red Dot Blog and saw the ABA ad, I decided it was time to get serious about marketing my work.
Using the lessons in the ABA course, Jason walks each student through the basic steps of creating a consistent body of work, developing a competitive pricing system along with a professional artist statement, biography and resume.
During the past fifteen months, with Jason’s help, I have created a professional portfolio, both digital and hard copy, to use to contact a series of galleries.
The response from galleries has been very positive, even when they were not accepting new artists at the time. I was accepted by two galleries in the area and asked to participate in exhibitions in these galleries. All responded with positive comments about my work and how well organized I was. Many asked me to resubmit at another time. The galleries I have visited in person with my hard portfolio have also commented on my organization.
I am also using ArtSala as an inventory program and every gallery has been impressed when I come in to deliver paintings with a printout of my consignment pieces.
While I still have much to learn, I feel that the ABA course has been invaluable.
Kathy Jones

I am not a big FB head, never mind someone I thought would be lured by an ad on social media, but when I saw the headline, “10 Mistakes Artists Make When Approaching a Gallery,” I was intrigued. It was all very wise and sound advice. I read on and explored further into Jason Horejs’ Red Dot Blog and other free advice he was giving artists. His genuine desire to help artists break into their Fine Art careers came across as sincere. I wanted to learn all he had to offer. So I signed up for The Business Academy Classes. I found that there was so much information I didn’t even know that I didn’t know. Like how to price my Art and how to set up a digital portfolio. Priceless!
I was the sole proprietor of Grace Your Space for almost 30 years. I came into the business as a fine artist. And dabbled in my fine art while I painted murals and wall finishes for clients and knew one day I would need to find out who I am again as a fine artist and focus on my own work. The time came about two years ago. I started to focus back on my own work. Taking on fewer and fewer jobs from my Grace Your Space business. I knew that before I was off this earth, I had to give it a shot to have my work in galleries. I came across Jason at just the right time. I cannot stress enough how these classes made my transition from a decorative painter to a fine artist with gallery representation clear and focused.
Two of the critical things Jason’s classes did for me were:
1. It set a clear path. Tackling one class at a time helped me not to get overwhelmed with each class, building on the next. One class every two weeks; class on a Bio, get that done, check; class on Artist Statement, get that done, check, and so on. It also gave me someone to whom I had to be accountable.
2. Inventorying system for my work. The ArtSala inventory system is invaluable for keeping an inventory of my artwork. What a concept! Organization skills and technology are not my strong suits. I can’t express enough how easy and beneficial this system has been to me.
To make a long story short, I thought it would take me 2-5 years to see my dream of finding gallery representation come true. I’ve been with Jason for less than a year. By applying the lessons learned through these classes in creating a portfolio and developing an artist statement and bio to pricing my work, I have gained the confidence to approach galleries knowing that my presentation now represents a professional. I’ll be bringing work over to my first gallery this month! Main Street Gallery in Manasquan. I am excited to see my work hang among other hard-working professional artists. I know this is just the beginning, and I am excited about my future journey. My goal is to make a living creating and selling my work, to be in a handful of galleries around the country and perhaps the world! I cannot thank Jason enough for developing a system that has allowed me to see that my dreams will come true and when success brings me to a gallery in Arizona, I will give Jason a big hug!
Grace Sharpe
Artist, New Jersey

My goal is to be recognized as a successful and accomplished artist that is represented by quality galleries. I am beginning to achieve my goals; and I have to thank Jason Horejs and his Art Business Academy for providing me the tools, knowledge and confidence to pursue them.
I followed what I learned from the Art Business Academy; and I am so excited that galleries have begun expressing interest in my work and in representing me. Through the course, you learn how to approach galleries, what questions to be prepared to answer and how to respond to these questions. I was thrilled when I finally had the opportunity to answer all the questions for a Denver, CO gallery owner. It was a good feeling to be asked the questions and more importantly, to know how to respond to them.
The Art Business Academy provides you instructional video lessons on a wide spectrum of topics designed to advance your art career, many of which I had not considered. Throughout the lessons, Jason provides you helpful, constructive feedback. The academy provides a roadmap to follow, with clear instructions and examples. You learn about marketing, sales, websites, advertising, blogs and so much more. As a result of the course, I improved the quality of my Artist Statement, Bio and Resume and gained an understanding of the gallery’s business operations, objectives and interaction with artists.
In summary, I believe the program is excellent and definitely worthwhile for all artists. I have learned and gained significant knowledge to assist me in my continued endeavors to pursue my art business / career. I recommend any artist who is serious about a career in art to take the worthwhile courses offered by Jason and the Art Business Academy.
Red (Linda) Harrison
Artist, Florida

I wanted to share the attached article about my art work with you. This article leveraged the homework you assigned in the Art Business Academy lessons. I am the featured artist and have a 3 page article in the Fall issue of Texas Ranch Journal. Back in July, their folks contacted me about presenting my artwork for a feature in their magazine which markets exclusive ranch properties in Texas – and I mean really really nice ranches. When they asked if I had a bio I could share to help build the article, I was fortunate I already had the content developed with your coursework. They liked the content so much it went from a usual 1-2 page spread to 3. They did their marketing magic with it and it looks way better than what I put together!
I could not think of a more beautiful venue for my art than in these gorgeous homes on beautiful properties in my beautiful state of Texas. I’m particularly stoked that the cover features not only the historic YO Ranch, but also the big and bright beautiful night skies of Texas.
Thanks again for the ABA lesson. I wish I had not put off taking the classes for so long. They have been invaluable in so many ways!
Anna Lisa Leal
Artist, Texas

The experience of the Art Business Academy was excellent. The business side of art has always been my weakness, as I believe it is with many artists I speak with. The sessions covered every aspect of being a professional artist and I learned so much more than I’d expected. The courses were challenging, comprehensive and professional! We were given all the necessary tools, including the confidence the classes instilled, to build a successful career in fine art. I have the art business tools to move forward with no hesitation.
Jason Horejs is a master! Jason knows firsthand the challenges we face as artists, because his father is a professional artist.The progression and choice of the lessons were in perfect order, following how an artist would advance in their art careers. As I mentioned before, although the courses were challenging, the lessons were valuable challenges that will definitely enhance our careers.
Having the opportunity to participate in the live sessions with other artists at different levels in their careers was and still is phenomenal! What we can share and learn amongst our peers is just as valuable! Every time I participate in a live session, I learn something new!
Don’t hesitate to join the Art Business Academy! Although the course is reasonably priced, I hesitated because I had just retired from a J.O.B. and I was concerned about our financial situation.
Thankfully, I bit the bullet — and never looked back! When I tell other artist friends about the Academy and Jason, I tell them I feel like I just received a ‘Master’s Degree’ in Art Business. And, that’s is the honest truth. I actually think I might have learned MORE because I received my art degree in 1976 and … who knows, maybe they didn’t even
Melanie Warsinske Nuchols
Artist, Colorado

The Art Business Academy format was what made this course so beneficial to me. This was my first online course experience. I really appreciated being able to work at my own pace plus the assignments were hands on and applicable to what I needed to know. It helped deflate my highly competitive nature and allowed me to focus on what was important to me in each lesson. The course also took the mystery out of galleries and made them human with business needs which I could relate to as well as helped me prepare what galleries need from the presentation and quality of work to personal documents. I read your book before the course and was excited with the challenges then found it disorienting not knowing how to proceed. The course provided the needed schedule or structure to accomplish all the tasks outlined in the book. In the end having done the work has helped build so much confidence which I didn’t have before the course.
If you are interested in gallery representation, this course is amazing. There are so many avenues to take in the art world. This course helped me direct my energy. I applied the information and assignments to my business to make choices about where I want to put my energy to push my art business forward.
Ashby Carlisle
Artist, Conneticut

I had followed Reddot Blog for about 6 months and found it very helpful, then applied for the Mentorship Program, got to the 2nd round and then towards the end of that program I knew I wanted more and signed up for the Art Business Academy. I am currently half way through the Art Business Academy and have learned so much from the lessons and assignments so far, already accomplishing many of my goals of doing this course. I now have a professional and engaging artist biography, a resume, an artist statement and artwork statements.
After a gallery owner’s review of my artwork for quality and consistency I have put together a cohesive Portfolio and now have an detailed inventory tracker, appropriate pricing and a comprehensive list of target galleries. Overall I feel more a lot more focused and confident in my art and future art career.
ABA provides you with the critical tools and knowledge needed to approach galleries professionally and confidently, along with invaluable insights into various areas of the art business which an artist needs to be successful. Within 7 months, I was submitting to Galleries and 3 weeks thereafter, I secured gallery representation with my first gallery and I’m now on a mission to acquire representation at a 2nd gallery.
As a part time artist, with a full time day job, I find the ABA is very accommodating to a busy schedule, taking lessons at my own pace and listening to replays of question and answer sessions when time permits. The ABA will provide a solid foundation for your art business and Jason instills the focus and determination needed to push your art career forward. He is very knowledgeable and has a wealth of information, giving fair, level headed advice from both the artist and gallery owner’s perspectives. If you’re prepared to devote the time and effort to this Academy, it is so worthwhile and you will see results, and it’s also interesting and fun along the way.
Noelle McCarthy
Artist, Florida

When I began seriously painting again, after many years hiatus, I had no idea where to begin. The painting came easy. It is my calling, my life. But how would I sell my work? How would anyone even know my art existed?
One day while browsing the internet, I saw a blog from Xanadu Gallery (Red Dot Blog) and begin reading. Eventually I read about the Art Business Academy. Being the overly cautious and mildly cynical person I am, it took me a while to join something I wasn’t sure would help me with my goals, or even help me define them, because if I didn’t know where I was going with this, how could Jason help me?
Now, I am mostly through the Academy lessons and happy to say I have found gallery representation. I am painting more than ever and I am more confident in my ability to communicate with gallery directors and art collectors. I feel being guided through the hoops, as opposed to trying to jump them on my own, was an important factor in putting myself out there. I am very goal oriented and driven, but I needed information, tools, and a few clues of what to expect and how to garner attention for my work, all of which I feel Jason’s lessons helped me do.
I highly recommend the Art Business Academy, as it has really helped me consistently create work, achieve many of my goals, connect me with other artists, and has given me the support and encouragement I have needed to believe in myself. I still have a ways to go, but I feel I have also come a long way already. I appreciate Jason’s perspective as a gallery owner, but I also think he genuinely cares about the artist’s in the Academy.
Rebecca Sobin
Artist, Montana
If you know you want to make art and sell it this is the course for you. I would say “Go for it”. The course is full of really practical and useful information. And having actual feedback and help with questions is invaluable.
Lisa Sabo Brown

Much like the Wizard behind the curtain and the locked gates of the Emerald City, the world of representation galleries and art directors remained a mystery to me. Although I had been exhibiting my work in galleries for some time, the idea of seeking gallery representation outside of my local geographical area intimidated me. But Jason Horejs and the Art Business Academy (ABA) changed all of that.
Throughout the course, I learned to assess my work from the perspective of a prospective gallery owner; to create a compelling portfolio, biography, artist’s statement and resume; structure my studio, inventory and accounting in order to accommodate a larger and broader business; and to build and maintain an enthusiastic fan base of collectors and gallerists.
Although my husband owns a successful small business, there are so many principles that are particular to the art world that I had not yet considered when I decided to pursue art full-time.
As a student in ABA, I received invaluable personal feedback, and recommendations for tailoring my presentation and cultivating my relationships with galleries and collectors.
I had enrolled in various types of online courses in the past, but none of those courses ever offered the kind of thorough and personalized feedback that Jason gives his ABA students. Jason is truly a gifted teacher who genuinely cares about his students’ success.
Quite honestly, I cannot praise Jason and his academy enough. ABA simply offers an outstanding art business mentorship program.
My only regret? I wish I had received this kind of art business training years ago.
Jason not only gave me the tools but also the confidence to seek representation in art markets outside of my immediate area. In fact, ABA most certainly enabled me to recently secure representation in an extraordinary gallery.
If you are looking to transform your art passion into a successful, long-term career, look no further. There’s no place you’ll feel more at home than at Art Business Academy. –Lynn Abbott, Artist
Lynn Abbott
Artist, California
A very successful artist friend was chatting with me about my career and where I ‘hoped’ it would go and the challenges of ignorance on how to move the needle on that when she unequivocally said… ‘Oh! You MUST check out The Art Business Academy from Jason Horejs! It was the Game Changer in my own career!’
So… well, that certainly was a vote of confidence considering the source, so I signed up a few months ago and have been blown away by the content, format, chronological order, massive wealth of information, and yet very personal contact and insight from Jason himself. This is an extraordinarily well-thought-out program from a son of a successful artist who has watched his father’s struggles through to success and then his own, starting and running a successful gallery… truly a foot in both worlds and it shows.
But aside from the program, with its lesson plan that has us actually digging in, researching, applying the lesson into our own scenario (read: it’s WORK, kids)… it’s been an unexpected and incredible bonus to have personal, kind, yet succinct feedback from Jason that enlivens, jumpstarts, and gives such clarity to my own very personal situation in my evolution as an artist seeking a professional, strong, ethical, and balanced career.
The weekly Zoom chats with the group are rich in experiences, different lenses, and unexpected nuggets of wisdom as various artists engage with one another and Jason… so great! I can easily and wholeheartedly say this is now a Game Changer for me as well, armed with real tools for a professional presentation to galleries or events and shows I am accepted into, and so very much more clear on my own ideals, focus, and destination based on sound, solid understanding.
Jeepers… It’s just a brilliant opportunity. Thank you, Jason!
Stefanie Travers
Artist, Canada
I initially learned about the art business academy by taking a workshop on creating a digital portfolio from Jason Horejs. Being technologically challenged, I needed help with the choice of app and the use of the layout features. I was able to set up a basic portfolio that I was able to use right away.
I was impressed with the practical benefits I had learned through the workshop, so I decided to join the Art Business Academy. The lessons are set up to cover the essentials of setting up the business side of your art practice, and through the lessons, I am gaining more confidence in presenting myself and my work to potential clients as well as galleries.
I think that by working through the academy lessons, I have gained insight and a far greater understanding of what is needed to set up an art business.
I have recently been accepted into a very nice gallery, and I think my involvement in the academy lessons and videos played a big part in my pursuing the opportunity that presented itself with the gallery.
Chris Gabriel

My journey through the Art Business Academy program has been a terrific experience. I have been a full-time artist for over 10 years and decided it was time to take my art and art business to another level. The Art Business Academy has helped me to solidify my goals for the future in order to obtain additional gallery representation. As artists, it is our desire to spend as much time creating as we possibly can, but in order to sell more work, other aspects of the business need to be solidly executed. Jason’s expertise through his well-crafted videos, specifically tailored deliberate assignments, and targeted feedback have assisted in obtaining my goals. My main goal is to obtain additional gallery representation. However, Jason assists in art business specifics such as inventory management, pricing, gallery relationships, and overcoming sales objections, just to name a few. This ABA journey has given me the confidence to move forward with my work and keep approaching the galleries on my target list until I obtain the gallery representation desired. Currently, my work is being seriously considered for representation in an excellent gallery and I feel positive about the possibility of additional gallery interest in the future. Thank you, Jason!
Patricia Humiston Ramey
Artist, Colorado

When I retired from teaching Art a few years ago, I wanted to pursue painting full time and find a gallery to represent me. Like many artists, I didn’t know exactly how to market my work. So I joined the Xanadu Business Academy where I learned, step-by-step, how to set up a portfolio, website, bio, resume, blog, newsletter, etc, and how to approach galleries. Jason Horejs is a successful gallery owner in Scottsdale, AZ, and the expert I was looking for to be my teacher. The Xanadu Business Academy, and Jason’s personal advice was spot-on in every respect. What I learned in the lessons helped me enormously, and gave me the confidence to approach gallery owners. I now am represented by my first gallery. My advice: if you are looking for the best, check out Xanadu Gallery’s Art Business Academy.
Evelyn Verhey

My experience in the Art Business Academy has given me confidence to approach galleries and apply for solo shows. I now have really good base promotional pieces to send to galleries and have a clear understanding of galleries look for in an artist.
I have used my finished lesson work which includes portfolio, statement, bio and resume a number of times and been easily able to tailor my portfolio to different galleries.
This is a course that should be given in art schools but isn’t. It is a foundation course for being a professional artist in today’s changing environment.
Nancy Ness

If you’re serious about obtaining gallery representation, then the Art Business Academy is a must. The lessons are practical, relevant, and building blocks towards success. Within one year as an Art Business Academy student, I obtained gallery representation. If you want to present yourself in a professional manner, obtain representation and learn how to maintain your gallery relationships, then I encourage you to enroll in the Art Business Academy.
Michelina Williamson
Artist, Ontario

“Before I was mentored by Jason, I was not in any galleries. Now I am in two and have prospects for others. I was ready for the gallery-scene with the years of painting and having my personal style, but Jason had to take me by the hand and lead me into the correct process of creating my online portfolio, and researching and submitting to galleries. “
Heidi Harner
Artist, Indiana

“Jason pushed me to do the things that needed to be done to successfully gain gallery representation. I am now in a wonderful gallery in Charleston, South Carolina, and working on another one. I have gained confidence with my art, and am not afraid to approach galleries. With Jason’s help my portfolio looks professional. It really helps to project a polished image of yourself and your art when trying to gain gallery representation.”
Terri Myer
Artist, St. Louis, MO

“I wanted to thank you again for the one-on-one mentorship last year. I was out in Colorado again from my Maryland home, participating in the juried Plein Air Rockies event for the second year. I spent a couple days on arrival from Denver at the beautiful Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Here’s my news—last year, they were ‘interested,’ this year the Broadmoor Galleries signed me! So…after all this work to get a Western gallery for the Western oil landscapes I create, I have a wonderful gallery!”
Claudia Brookes
Artist, Maryland

“THANK you Jason! I sent out my first gallery approaches week before last. I sent out to my top five choices in the local metro area and got two responses (one was ‘we will look at it and get back to you’). One was very positive and they took eleven paintings on consignment.”
Mary Charles Churchill-Nash
Artist, North Carolina